
Geoprocessing with SAGA GIS WPS

mardi 28 Avril 2015 wps zoo saga

SAGA preview

Another post in the innovative Web Processing Service series. We are this time introducing dozens of new WPS Services powered by ZOO-Project and SAGA GIS.

Online image processing with Orfeo Toolbox WPS

mercredi 01 Avril 2015 OTBWPSZOO

Landsat preview

At GeoLabs we are keen on implementing WPS compliant web services. This time we are glad to introduce 50+ new services based on Orfeo Toolbox, and we show you how in this post.

ZOO-Project 1.4.0 is available

lundi 15 DéCembre 2014 ZOOWPS

ZOO-Project 1.4.0

Sun is shining on the WPS savannah and ZOO-Project 1.4.0 was just released last week. Feedbacks from the core developers at GeoLabs.

Retour sur FOSS4G-Asia 2014

vendredi 12 DéCembre 2014 foss4gmapmintzoo

FOSS4G-Asia logo

La conférence FOSS4G-Asia s'est tenue du 2 au 5 décembre 2014 à Bangkok en Thaïlande.