
PublicaMundi launches

mercredi 17 DéCembre 2014 Open data open source open knowledge

PublicaMundi, our FP7 project aiming to make open geospatial data easier to publish and reuse, has just reached a major milestone! Our first public beta, integrating all PublicaMundi technologies developed during the first year of the project is available on

After a year of intense work, collaboration with data publishers, SMEs, and citizen associations, our group managed to deliver its promise on making geospatial easier to publish and reuse. Using PublicaMundi and within a few minutes, a data publisher can upload any geospatial data set to have it automatically ingested and available through open OGC services, simple JavaScript APIs, and scalable interactive maps.

The PublicaMundi consortium would like to thank all open data publishers and practitioners for their feedback thus far, and invite them to evaluate the PublicaMundi technologies in Give us your feedback, ideas, and help us make open geospatial data easier for you to publish and use!

Read the press release

PublicaMundi is an open project

Open Source

PublicaMundi is based on, and extends great open source software for geospatial data management. ZOO-Project, pycsw, Rasdaman, CKAN, GeoServer and OpenLayers are among the many we focus on. Join us at

Open Data

Open data is one of the pillars of EU's Data Economy, an enabler for better governance and financial growth. Our goal is to make geospatial data first-class citizens in the data economy; easier to publish, discover and use to build value added services

Open Knowledge

All deliverables, software, publications, and data from PublicaMundi are offered with an open knowledge license. We believe this will enable the uptake of our work from young SMEs, researchers, and the community.

This work was supported by a grant from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013) provided for the project PublicaMundi (GA no. 609608).